How to choose the right diamond ring?

how to choose the right diamond ring

As anonymously quoted, “A diamond is a promise of forever, just like true love.” This sentiment beautifully captures the essence of making the right decisions when it comes to choosing diamonds. Selecting the ideal diamond ring can be a strenuous task since it requires both, noteworthy emotional and financial investments. However, sailing through the world of diamonds can become more convenient after you understand a few crucial points. 

Selecting the Right diamond shape 

Your fingers reveal a lot about the ring that suits you the best. Selecting the right diamond shape according to the shape and size of your fingers can be a complete game changer to your cart. For instance, if you have short fingers, emerald, and oval-shaped diamonds are your best friends. But round and princess-shaped diamonds are best suited to people with long fingers.

Understanding the 4Cs of diamonds

Cut, Clarity, Color, and Carat weight are the key elements that one should consider while buying a diamond ring. The Cut of a diamond defines how well it sparkles. Clarity determines the internal flawlessness of a diamond. The bigger a diamond is, the rarer it is. So, carat weight is a big deciding aspect in your diamond buying budget. Diamond color is determined on an alphabetical scale from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow), with D considered the most valuable. 

Choosing the right base metal and setting

Diamond is a celebratory piece that looks good when paired with anything or everything. However, the right metal and setting can enhance the beauty of a diamond. Choosing white gold or a platinum base creates a chic and classy look, whereas using yellow gold as a base metal gives a traditional and antiquated look.


Choosing a diamond ring with a reliable grading certification from renowned gemological laboratories like GIA – Gemological Institute of America or AGS- American Gem Society is a must. These help the buyer earn brownie points – style and authentic quality. 

With countless choices available in the market, it’s important to consider the right deciding elements to buy a beautiful, elegant, and authentic diamond ring. A diamond’s worth is not solely determined by its size, price, or shape but by investing in the right choice during the buying process for it to dazzle for a lifetime.